Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Optical Fiber Communications .PDF FREE DOWNLOAD

Optical Fiber Communications by J.M.Senior.... DOWNLOAD

Optical Fiber Communications is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of Electronics and Communications Engineering. The book comprises chapters on signal amplification, restoration, routing, and switching. In addition, the book consists of several diagrams, illustrations and examples to understand the concepts better. This book is essential for engineers preparing for various competitive examinations like GATE and IES.McGraw Hill Education is an Indian academic publishing company involved in releasing expertly authored books for students studying in India. McGraw Hill books present material which goes beyond traditional books and offer students an edge so that they can excel in their educational endeavors. The company has also released books like NTSE Practice Papers Class-X and Study Package for NTSE Class VIII.

Table of Contents:

  • Basic optical concepts
  • Optical waveguides
  • Properties of silica optical fibers
  • Principles and properties of sources and detectors
  • Further components for fiber optic systems
  • Optical amplifiers and soliton transmission
  • Optical fiber communication systems

 Optical Fiber Communications byGerd-Keiser....... DOWNLOAD

This book on Optical Fiber Communication presents the fundamental principles for understanding and applying optical fiber technology to sophisticated modern telecommunication system. Key features Comprehensive treatment of optical-link constituents such as optical fibers, light sources, photo detectors, connecting and coupling devices and optical amplifiers. Design principles of digital and analog optical fiber transmission links, including optical power budgets, signal rise times, line coding and noise effects on system performance. Operating principles of WDM and its components are explained. Architecture and performance of Optical Networks explained in detail. Advanced communication techniques such as solitude transmission, optical CDMS, and ultrafast time division multiplexing discussed. Comprehensive treatment of optical-link constituents such as optical fibers, light sources, photo detectors, connecting and coupling devices and optical amplifiers. Design principles of digital and analog optical fiber transmission links, including optical power budgets, signal rise times, line coding and noise effects on system performance. New chapter on Performance Impairments (Ch 12) Pedagogy: Solved Examples 93 Unsolved Problems.

Optical Fiber Communications (Fifth Edition): Gerd Keiser

Table of Contents:

1. Overview of Optical Fiber Communications
2. Optical Fibers: Structures, Waveguiding, and Fabrication 
3. Signal Degradation in Optical Fibers 
4. Optical Sources 
5. Power Launching and Coupling 
6. Photodetectors 
7. Optical Receiver Operation 
8. Digital Links 
9. Analog Links 
10. WDM Concepts and Components
11. Optical Amplifiers 
12. Nonlinear Effects 
13. Optical Networks 
14. Performance Measurement and Monitoring Printed 

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