- This manual is designed to provide practical laboratory experience for the student of digital electronics. The manual includes experiments on digital fundamentals and design. It is not intended that all the experiments be completed or that every experiment be done in its entirety. Instructors will probably want to make certain exercises optional to the student.
- Each experiment begins with a set of stated objectives, text references, and required equipment, followed by a procedure for meeting each objective.Most experiments specify logic circuits needed to perform the experiment,while a few require that the student design and draw the circuit(s).
- This manual contains several appendixes at the end. The students is encouraged to become familiar with the contents of the appendixes early,even though serious reading of much of the information on trouble shooting and digital faults can be deferred until it is needed.
- Appendix A covers the types of circuit breadboards used in laboratory experiments for temporary circuit testing.
- Appendix B covers several topics which should be helpful to the student,Included in the material are general hints on proper bread boarding, digital troubleshooting, and information on typical digital system and IC faults.
- The information about digital ICs and 74 series family cross-reference of 155series Russian ICs are found in Appendix C.
- The pin layout for digital ICs used in experiments are found in Appendix D of this manual.
- The information about seven segment displays of type HDSP is provided in Appendix E.
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